You might think avoiding the internet all together and refusing to set up your online financial accounts will protect you from scammers, but you’re wrong. One of the best ways you can protect your MO Deferred Comp account and your retirement savings from scammers is to establish your online account credentials – a.k.a username, password, security questions and answers. Think about it, you can buy almost anything online. Unfortunately, this also includes the ability to buy your name, address, social security number, birthdate, bank and credit card information, and more. Now, while I’m not savvy enough to find this information on what they call the dark web, scammers and hackers are. By not taking 10 minutes to set up your online account, you are giving an identity thief the opportunity to do it for you and the consequences of that are endless. Here's a scary fact, less than 40% of deferred comp participants have set up their online account credentials. While the MO Deferred Comp Plan does its best to make sure security is top-notch and your account never gets hacked, you must also do your part. Stop what you’re doing and go set up your online account, go to, click the blue Log In button at the top of the page, click the Set Up Your Online Access link, follow the remaining directions or contact your local financial education professional to help walk you through the process.