My name is Don Wilson, I’m an education specialist with the state of Missouri deferred comp plan. The best part of being an education specialist is the opportunity to meet with so many people and help them work towards their goals towards retirement, their financial goals not only for themselves but for their families. Saving with MO Deferred Comp is important because most of us need some sort of discipline. The deferred comp plan is unique in so many ways, you can set up an ongoing deferral, you’ve got many different investment options to choose from, whether you use the target date funds or you go out and want to do something on your own through the brokerage window. Most employees are confused about the Roth option. Many don’t know it exists, and many may have a Roth IRA and are under the assumption that because they have a Roth IRA they may not be able to do the Roth option within their deferred comp plan. The time to start planning is now. In my 28 years with the plan, if I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a zillion times, “I wish I would have started saving sooner for my retirement.” You can contact me at 573-644-1263 or by email at We’re here to help you.