State of Missouri Deferred Compensation Plan
Wins the 2020 Leadership Award
The National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators, Inc. (NAGDCA) awarded the State of Missouri Deferred Compensation Plan the 2020 Leadership Recognition Award for enhancing participant outreach by implementing Web 1-on-1s and webinars. The Leadership Awards recognize defined contribution plans for their outstanding achievements in Technology and Social Media.
To register for a Web 1-on-1 or webinar, visit our Event Registration page.
From the NAGDCA Leadership Awards Booklet:
“The State of Missouri Deferred Compensation Plan (or the MO Deferred Comp Plan) relies heavily on its six field staff (education specialists) to communicate with employees by providing education on retirement saving and investing and disseminating marketing campaigns. To help support the education specialists, cut down on travel costs, engage more participants, make meeting with a plan representative as convenient as possible, and stay up to date with advancements in technology, the plan expanded its participant outreach by adding video consultations, known as Web 1-on-1s, in July 2019. Later in 2019, the plan also began offering webinars to eligible, active, and retired state employees. The new additions to MO Deferred Comp’s already long list of communication and education methods, has proven to be a successful endeavor and worthy investment. Thanks to video conferencing, the plan has seen an increase in presentation and Web 1-on-1 attendance, reached a new segment of individuals who would normally not attend in-person offerings, decreased plan costs, and enhanced participant education.”
The State of Missouri Deferred Compensation Plan, a voluntary 457 defined contribution plan, is administered by the Missouri State Employees’ Retirement System (MOSERS). To learn more about the deferred compensation plan’s award-winning educational efforts, connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.
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