How Presidential Elections Impact the Market

The 2024 presidential election is right around the corner and the uncertainty around its outcome could increase market volatility long before any votes are even cast. So this is your PSA in advance, the markets may fluctuate – and possible more intensely than normal – the closer we get to the presidential election. The volatility may even continue over the next year as the new administration gets established. If we see big market swings, try not to panic. This means do not make impulse changes to your investment accounts, like your MO Deferred Comp 457(b) plan! If we look at past historical elections and investment performance, we know that the markets can be unpredictable around election time, but they have continued to trend upward over the long run.* We also know there is no correlation between the depth of the volatility and which political party gets into office.
*Past performance does not guarantee future market performance.