Participant educational efforts honored at the 2025 Pension & Investments Eddy Awards

The MO Deferred Comp Plan, a voluntary 457(b) for state of Missouri employees, received a Pensions & Investments’ 2025 Eddy Award for their education and outreach endeavors. The P&I Eddy Awards spotlight plan sponsors and service providers who exhibit best practices in offering investment and financial education to defined contribution plan participants. At this year’s event, P&I recognized 61 defined contribution campaigns from across the country for their creativity and dedication to helping employees save for retirement.
Deferred comp earned second place in the Special Projects category for their “Retirement Security. It Starts With You.” campaign which ran during the 2023 National Retirement Security Month. This campaign brought awareness to online security and aimed to educate State of Missouri employees on how they can keep their retirement savings safe from cybercriminals. This month-long endeavor utilized video, email, text message, and a podcast to reach their target markets. As a result from the campaign, 1,122 participants created their account user ID and password, 928 deferred comp savers added an email address to their account to enable multifactor authentication, and 635 State of Missouri employees increased their contributions to the MO Deferred Comp Plan.
In addition, deferred comp earned a Pensions & Investments’ 2025 Eddy Award Honorable Mention spot in the Special Projects category for their annual holiday videos. For over 10 years, deferred comp has recreated several popular holiday movies, rewrote and (terribly) sang festive songs, and even used cute puppies dressed in festive sweaters to lure participants into watching and learning about retirement savings. Deferred comp’s holiday videos have been viewed 18,858 times with an average retention rate of 72.44%. Multiple videos have a remarkable retention rate of over 80%! To view these ridiculous holiday videos, head to the DC Updates page.
While the deferred comp staff takes great pride in earning these prestigious awards, the real winners are state of Missouri employees. Each education and outreach project the team puts together is done with the employees in mind. The team’s goal is to produce campaigns that peak interest, educate on investing topics, and help employees save more for their future retirement.
MO Deferred Comp is a voluntary 457 defined contribution plan that is administered by the Missouri State Employees’ Retirement System(MOSERS). The plan serves state of Missouri employees and 10 public universities across the state. To learn more about the deferred compensation plan’s award-winning educational efforts, connect with them on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.